
Our curriculum is designed to underpin our school values of:

The School and the Governors share a commitment to raising aspirations of pupils at the school.
Routines which are set up in classrooms from KS3 and carried out to the end of KS4, where respect and acceptance are the norm in all lessons.
We encourage students’ curiosity and independence by allowing them to research and consider where they would use different mathematical concepts in their life beyond school.
Misconceptions are addressed in lessons to allow students to see the benefit of learning from their mistakes as well as others. This promotes empowerment among students as they support and respect each other.
High Aspirations
In each section of learning we promote the importance of mathematics in all walks of life and careers. We teach lessons which promote the use of mathematics in many different career pathways.
We encourage investigative teaching and mastery in lessons to improve student adaptability and our curriculum both offer challenge and support to ensure that all students strive to achieve their potential.
Promoting mastery through our curriculum, encourages students to be inquisitive earners who value and are actively involved in their education and development.
Retrieval is an important part of our curriculum and is embedded in every lesson in our five-year curriculum. This aids students to retain previous learning and builds confidence in their understanding.
Our curriculum encourages team work and this focuses on building strong relationships between the students and creates a safe environment in the Mathematics classroom.
To gain confidence, the mathematics curriculum recognises the 5 R’s: Recall, Routine, Revise, Repeat, Ready