Attendance is a key component to your child’s success

School Day & Holidays

Remember, absence affects learning:
Research suggests that 17 missed school days a year equal to a drop in one grade.
One school year at 90% attendance =4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED!

Please refer to the guide below:

90% = 4 weeks
80% = 8 weeks
70% = 12 weeks
60% = 16 weeks
50% = 20 weeks
40% = 24 weeks
30% = 28 weeks

Taking Children on Holiday During Term Time
Cheshire East Guide for Parents and Carers

Monday – Friday
New Times From September 2023
Years 7 to 11
AM Form Tutor 8.40am – 9.00am
L1 9.00am – 10.00am
L2 10.00am – 11.00am
Break 11.00am – 11.20am
L3 (PM Reg12.20) 11.20am – 12.20pm
L4 12.20pm – 1.20pm
Lunch 1.20pm – 2.10pm
L5 2.10pm – 3.10pm

Total hours per week: 32.5 hours

Compulsory School Opening Hours: 32.5 hours

Ruskin Community High School Holiday Dates 2024/25

Term Date of Closing Date of Opening
Autumn Term Begins **** Tuesday 3rd September
Autumn Half-Term Friday 25th October Tuesday 5th November
Christmas 2024/2025 Friday 20th December Monday 6th January
Spring Half Term Friday 14th February Monday 24th February
Easter Friday 4th April Tuesday 22nd April
May Day Friday 2nd May Tuesday 6th May
Summer Half-Term Friday 23rd May Monday 2nd June
Summer Friday 18th July ****
INSET: Designated staff training/preparation days:

Monday 2 September 2024
Monday 4 November 2024
Friday 4 July 2025
Monday 21 July 2025
Tuesday 22 July 2025