Attendance is a key component to your child’s success

Students receive positive and negative points on Class Charts.

Positive Points

Students will be awarded positive points related to our Core Values.
These are: High Aspirations, Respect, Confidence, We are a Community.

Students can also receive positive points for meeting ‘Ruskin Expectations’ when they meet all of the school expectations.

In every class, one child is selected as the ‘Star of the Lesson’. This is worth five points.

Students will also be awarded House Points and points for attending extra-curricular clubs.

As students collect more and more points, they will receive the following:

All points go towards students being eligible for end of term rewards, for trips such as bowling, the cinema, Water World, Alton Towers and Chester Zoo.

Students can check their positive points and if they have been awarded any badges on Class Charts.

Negative Points

Should student’s behaviour not meet Ruskin expectations, negative behaviour points will be given. These can be given to students in and out of lessons and it will say which member of staff has awarded the points. Students can check if they have any negative points on Class Charts.
If a student displays unacceptable behaviour in school, they will receive a detention. Detentions vary in length depending on the behaviour that has happened and/or if detentions have been missed. For more serious incidents, students will be placed into the Inclusion Centre.