For the vast majority of students with or without SEND, the most appropriate provision to ensure progress will be within the classroom accessing Quality First Teaching. All KS3 students will be placed into a set group based upon on academic ability and this will be monitored via regular teaching assessments.
Throughout the year teachers are asked to make recommendations for set changes based on the data obtained from assessments completed.
At KS4 students will once again be placed into a set group based on academic ability for Core Subjects and mixed ability groups for selected GCSE Option Subjects. For some students we may need to make further modifications, but these would only be done through discussion with parents and the student. Such provision may take the form of
Additional literacy / inference support
- Additional numeracy support
- Additional support for memory, language understanding, social communication and study skills.
- 1:1 support based on a specific need.
If such types of support are necessary then they will only be put into place through discussion with parents and students and usually following a meeting with the YAM or SENCo. If the support needed is in the form of an educational or motivational work placement then this will also be discussed with the parents and students and would only be set up with their agreement.
Through Quality First Teaching staff are expected to differentiate to meet the needs of all the students they teach.
This will be based on information shared with them by the SENCo or the YAM.
Curriculum and Subject Leaders are expected to ensure that the teachers within their subject areas are ensuring that the needs of all the students they teach are being met. Regular reminders and updates regarding individual students’ needs are communicated effectively across the staffing team.
For most students’ access to mainstream, quality first lessons, is the entirety of the support they may need. Some students may need further support and in this case the setting up and monitoring additional provision will be the responsibility of the SENCo/ YAM or Curriculum Leader depending on the nature of the plan and the type of extra support that has been put in place. At times there will be a need to consult with outside agencies (i.e. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs), Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT), NHS Speech and Language Team (SALT) and this will be done through the SENCo.
In terms of exam provision testing for this will happen during Year 10 and will be conducted by the SEN team. Access to exam support is based on a wide range of tests and must meet the exam board requirements set out by JCQ. The selection of students that may be tested for exam support is based on a number of sources of information, which may include:
- Medical evidence.
- A history of SEN support.
- Enquiries made by teachers.
- Enquiries made by parents.