Remote Learning
Remote Learning at Ruskin Community High School
In the event of a school closure, students will access their lessons online for those teachers. Students will use Microsoft Teams to attend lessons. The link for lessons will be put onto Class Charts and they will also see the link on their Teams calendar. They must then use their school email address (e.g. and their school password to log into Microsoft Teams. If there are any issues with Microsoft Teams, you should complete all lessons on Class Charts and upload any work to there.
We need to ensure all students are safe when using Teams. We therefore have put together the following information for all students and parents/carers regarding Teams lessons:
Virtual lessons will take place on Microsoft Teams. Only people with the link to the lesson will be able to join the meeting. The lead teacher for the lesson will allow each person into the lesson separately.
Every Microsoft Teams lesson will be recorded.
Student video and audio must be turned off when they join a lesson. They must remain off unless the teacher chooses to unmute the audio. Video will never be switched on.
Students are able to alert the teacher if they have a question or concern by virtually raising their hand. Teachers will respond to this when it is right to do so during the lesson.
If a student turns their audio on without permission, they will be removed from the lesson. Year Achievement Managers and parent/carers will be informed.
Staff cameras will be on, if they choose to do so.

Behaviour Expectations – Code of Conduct
Students are expected to behave appropriately in all Microsoft Teams lessons. Expectations are as follows:
- Students should attend on time and for the duration of the lesson.
- We appreciate there may be technical issues, which cannot be helped. Please contact the teacher of the lesson if this happens.
- Students should be in an environment where they are ready to learn.
- Students should be in a quiet and safe area, away from distractions.
- Students must ensure their video and audio are switched off at all times.
- The ‘chat’ facility must only be used when a teacher directs students to do so.
- Students must not use this whilst a lesson is taking place, unless the teacher has asked them to.
- Students must not use any offensive or discriminative language during the lesson.
- This includes on the chat facility.
- Students must ensure their name is their username.
- Any students using inappropriate names will not be allowed to join lessons.
- Students must not share the login details of lessons with anyone else.
- These are private lessons and must not be shared with anyone outside of those that should be attending the lesson.
- Students must not record the lessons and must only use the video recorded by the school for learning purposes.
- It is an offence to share these on social media or with anyone outside of Ruskin.
- As with school lessons, students should ensure their mobile phones are switched off during the Microsoft Teams lessons, unless they are using them for the lesson.
If a student does not follow the rules and expectations above, the relevant Curriculum Leader, Year Achievement Manger and/or Designated Safeguarding Lead will be informed, along with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Any breaches of the behaviour rules will be taken extremely seriously.
Parent/carers are welcome to be present in the background of the lesson, if they are available. They must also not record or share lessons.
As with all technology, we know there can be problems so please do not worry if there are any issues. Students can message their teacher on Class Charts if they are struggling.