Work Experience
Students are given relevant opportunities to supplement their future life choices. Part of this process includes a work experience placement. Our Year 11 students have a week of work experience in November each year. Where possible, students may “self-place” but relevant support is given. Staff visit students during this week and links are made back in school via PSHCE lessons (Personal, Social, Health and Careers Education).
Businesses and organisations throughout the local community host students undertaking a wide variety of tasks and duties. The aim of the week is to give students an insight into the world of work and encourage them to think about their future aspirations and the skills that might be needed to fulfil them. Above all, students get the opportunity to develop a range of transferrable skills in a variety of working environments. Work Experience can seem a daunting prospect for young people who have to venture forth into unfamiliar settings. It is so pleasing to gain feedback from employers at how positive the students where – they really did themselves and the school proud.
Here’s what some of students had to say about their experience…
“I went to CTC Healthcare which is a Physiotherapy Clinic. I learnt a lot about what a job in physiotherapy would involve. I saw a range of different things, for example acupuncture, sports and therapeutic massage and took part in a Pilates class. I found it an interesting and worthwhile experience”.
“I developed independence and initiative; moreover, it prepared me for a typical work day in real life”.
“On Thursday I was the Assistant Event Manager for a local event which included organising contractors. Overall, I enjoyed my experience and think my management, data and organisation and skills as well as team-working skills have improved as a result”. (Blitz Fireworks)