Our curriculum is designed to underpin our school values of:
Teachers have high expectations of pupils; pupils rise to this challenge.
As a Department we model the respect, kindness and tolerance of people from all beliefs, cultures and backgrounds that we want our students to embrace and emulate.
Our curriculum is based on understanding and celebrating difference and diversity through language as well as placing emphasis on cultural similarities.
We encourage ownership and independence throughout all topics, academic abilities and social backgrounds, enabling our students express themselves at all levels and build their self-confidence and independence.
High Aspirations
We promote high aspirations through linking the MFL curriculum to further and higher education and career opportunities. Wherever possible, we reflect the real-life opportunities language learning offers.
We encourage students to be resilient and take risks in their learning, safe in the knowledge that effort and enthusiasm are as valued as much as accuracy.
The four key skill strands of our curriculum offer all our students the opportunity to reach their potential no matter what different skill sets or departure points they may have.
Our range of language learning offered enables students to see the links and connections between different languages and to deepen their knowledge of language learning.
Developing confidence is at the core of our curriculum and is built upon from the very first MFL lesson developing our students into confident, inquisitive, resilient and articulate linguists who are able to build upon their knowledge based on previous learning.
We encourage and enable all students to actively participate in lessons and to value and support the contributions of others.
Mrs Batho-Hughes
Curriculum Leader
Mrs Brown
Mrs Bratherton